1 I will exalt you, my God, O king: 2I will bless you every day: 3Great is the LORD and worthy all praise, 4One age to another shall praise your deeds, 5Of your glorious majesty they shall tell, 6Of the might of your terrible acts they shall speak, 7The fame of your abundant goodness 8The LORD is full of grace and pity, 9The LORD is good to all the world, 10All your works give you thanks, O LORD, 11They shall speak of your glorious kingdom, 12making known to people his mighty acts, 13Yours is a kingdom that lives through all ages: 14The LORD upholds all who fall; 15The eyes of all look in hope to you, 16You yourself open your hand, 17The LORD is righteous in all his ways, 18The LORD is near to all who call him, 19He will fulfil the desires of those who fear him; 20The LORD is the keeper of all who love him, 21My mouth will utter the praise of the LORD,