1 Hallelujah. 2who stand in the house of the LORD, 3Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good: 4The LORD for himself chose Jacob, 5For I know that the LORD is great, 6All that he wills he does 7Clouds he brings up from the ends of the earth, 8The first-born of Egypt he struck, 9Signs and wonders he sent 10Many nations he struck, 11Sihon, king of the Amorites, 12He gave their land for possession, 13Your name, O LORD, is forever; 14For the LORD secures right for his people, 15The idols of heathen are silver 16They have mouths, but cannot speak: 17They have ears, but cannot hear: 18Their makers become like them, 19House of Israel, bless the LORD: 20House of Levi, bless the LORD: 21Blest be the LORD out of Zion,